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Tag Archives for " Communication "

Oct 04

Three Keys to Better Management, Right Now

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

I think people would agree that becoming a great manager requires a certain amount of time. Very few people are thrust into a management position and do it exactly right from the jump, avoiding the myriad of challenges and speed bumps that inevitably confront those who lead employees. No, it takes time to develop critical leadership skills. On the other hand, there are a number of specific things you can do to make a difference RIGHT NOW.

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Sep 08

Customers Only Care About Price (Until They Buy)

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

Customers clearly care about a lot of other things other than price. In addition delivery and service and follow-up, they also care about support, and training, an innovation, and efficiency, and a dozen other things. But, for some reason, you can’t get them to focus on those things – not until they’ve beaten you up for a better price. The fact is, you will never get to the top of the sales leaderboard by cutting your prices. And until you learn how to avoid the commodity trap, you are pretty much screwed.

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Aug 02

Job Descriptions Are a Joke

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

OK, so you’re wondering what in the world job descriptions could possibly have to do with engagement, right? Let’s start with the fact that job descriptions are more of a legal tool than anything. And, truth be told, with the exception of a cameo role in the hiring process, the standard job description is rarely used anywhere else! Which means they are simply a way to filter resumes by comparing needed skills sets with what is presented by the candidate.

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May 03

You Probably Missed the Memo About Employee Engagement

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

As a manager, you surely have become aware of the importance of employee engagement in the workplace, and its impact on the critical metrics companies care about – profitability, turnover, safety, and customer satisfaction.

Hint: As it turns out, engaged employees do better work. Yes, I know. Absolutely shocking. But, it’s true; those employees that feel genuinely connected to the company, feel valued by the boss, and derive satisfaction from their work, significantly outperform their disengaged counterparts.

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