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Tag Archives for " Performance Management "

May 03

You Probably Missed the Memo About Employee Engagement

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

As a manager, you surely have become aware of the importance of employee engagement in the workplace, and its impact on the critical metrics companies care about – profitability, turnover, safety, and customer satisfaction.

Hint: As it turns out, engaged employees do better work. Yes, I know. Absolutely shocking. But, it’s true; those employees that feel genuinely connected to the company, feel valued by the boss, and derive satisfaction from their work, significantly outperform their disengaged counterparts.

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Apr 05

Reinventing Reality & other failure tactics

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

Immutable means “not subject to change,” which means that results have always been, and will always be, the barometer of success in business. Not those things you intended to do, or hoped to do, but what you actually accomplished. Those results may not be only financial, of course, but the principle holds. Success in not promises of performance. Not excuses for a lack of performance. It is performance. Period. The problem is that so many salespeople want to reinvent reality.

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Feb 10

Misleading Sales Metrics and the Impact on Management

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

In many cases, a sales manager will simply decide that a salesperson just isn’t a “born salesperson” and start looking for a replacement. The challenge is correlating random data to sales performance, and I’ve seen sales managers with dozens of reports at their fingertips fail to understand the specific challenges for any particular salesperson, although they think they can.

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