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Tag Archives for " Performance Management "

Aug 02

Job Descriptions Are a Joke

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

OK, so you’re wondering what in the world job descriptions could possibly have to do with engagement, right? Let’s start with the fact that job descriptions are more of a legal tool than anything. And, truth be told, with the exception of a cameo role in the hiring process, the standard job description is rarely used anywhere else! Which means they are simply a way to filter resumes by comparing needed skills sets with what is presented by the candidate.

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May 31

Great Salespeople Are Born. AND Trained.

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

I think the idea of a “born salesperson” is exactly what keeps companies (or specific managers) from training their salespeople and improving performance. After all, if salespeople are “born” to be salespeople, and will be successful simply because they were born to that role, why would you need to train them? And that’s what people say: Salespeople are “born, not trained.” Which is the absolute worst excuse imaginable for failure: “S/he is just not a born salesperson.”

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