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Tag Archives for " Failure "

Apr 05

Reinventing Reality & other failure tactics

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

Immutable means “not subject to change,” which means that results have always been, and will always be, the barometer of success in business. Not those things you intended to do, or hoped to do, but what you actually accomplished. Those results may not be only financial, of course, but the principle holds. Success in not promises of performance. Not excuses for a lack of performance. It is performance. Period. The problem is that so many salespeople want to reinvent reality.

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Nov 24

The Reality of Leadership Fatigue

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

You’ve probably been there as a leader – that point in time when you just need a break. A little time off to recharge and regain that edge. But, there are some times when leadership fatigue actually becomes crippling to the organization. Successive mistakes or missteps result in a loss of credibility and confidence, and a leader simply cannot regain his/her status within the organization.

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