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Tag Archives for " success "

Jun 20

Effective Salespeople: Why Only 23%?

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

I’ve never known a company to accept 60% production efficiency, or 75% data accuracy. In the realm of BIG numbers (think Amazon or UPS), a company can’t afford to accept even 99% as a benchmark for success! Amazon, for example, ships approximately 1.6 million packages per day, which would mean – at 99% accuracy – 16,000 mistakes PER DAY. So, here’s what I want to know: Why do companies routinely accept 1-out-of-4 as the standard for the percentage of effective salespeople?

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May 23

3 Words Elite Salespeople Embrace

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

The problem is that most salespeople don’t want to be responsible when they fall short. Instead, they conjure up a variety of excuses. It never seems to be their fault when they fall short. Elite salespeople, on the other hand, understand that the bottom line is about results, and excuses simply get in the way of finding a way to hit the numbers.

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