August 2016 - Page 2 of 2 - Business LockerRoom

Monthly Archives: August 2016

Aug 09

How to Kill a Sale (and Never Even Know Why You Failed)

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

There are certain things that average salespeople do over and over that can kill a sale. I know because I’ve done most of them. For some, I’ve been guilty many times. [I’m not hopeless, but I am slow.] Turns out, however, it’s not just me; most every salesperson makes these same mistakes. Which is sad because every single one of the seven things listed below can be fixed immediately.

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Aug 02

Job Descriptions Are a Joke

By Kelly Riggs | Sales + Leadership

OK, so you’re wondering what in the world job descriptions could possibly have to do with engagement, right? Let’s start with the fact that job descriptions are more of a legal tool than anything. And, truth be told, with the exception of a cameo role in the hiring process, the standard job description is rarely used anywhere else! Which means they are simply a way to filter resumes by comparing needed skills sets with what is presented by the candidate.

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